Now Available in the AHEC Digital Library: New eBook Collections

The NC AHEC Digital Library now offers new curated eBook collections.

Thanks to funding from the SECU Foundation, a new collection of 200 curated eBooks has been added to the North Carolina AHEC Digital Library. These eBooks, accessible by all ADL members, provide clinical and research support along with evidence-based recommendations to equip providers with what they need to deliver care and successfully navigate changes in healthcare environments.

These new resources include the

  • COVID Collection: Titles related to infection control, epidemiology, public health preparedness, and pandemics.
  • Health Equity Collection: 43 titles on topics such as cultural responsiveness, research equity, health justice, and community engagement.
  • Clinical Nursing Collection: 134 titles covering a variety of clinical specialties, including nursing, healthcare management, trauma, and vaccine safety.

To access, log in to the NC AHEC Digital Library, and click on the New Books link.

For questions or for access to the NC AHEC Digital Library, contact the Medical Library.