Piedmont AHEC Allocation Partnerships

Regional Nursing Education Clinical Site Development Partnership Funding

The NCAA program assists nursing schools with developing new clinical learning experiences in rural and underserved areas, as funded by the NC general assembly.

Elon University Department of Nursing

Elon University Department of Nursing

Elon University Department of Nursing students will spend time at CityGate Dream Center in East Burlington, a non-profit organization hosting various programs focused on community, arts and education, kids and students, sports and wellness, and families. Each semester, Elon’s nursing students will work alongside Elon’s PA and PT students and the other disciplines that engage with the Dream Center, such as social work, ESL instructors, and advocacy groups. The overarching goal of this project is to provide nursing students with a longitudinal clinical opportunity to examine health equity through interprofessional clinical experiences with an underrepresented population in an alternative health site located in the community.

Clinical site priorities
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Nursing

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Nursing

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Nursing offers traditional and accelerated BSN programs and MSN, Post-Graduate certificate, DNP, and PhD programs. In summer 2022, the UNC SON Mobile Health Clinic will add a new site at the Chatham Outreach Alliance (CORA) Food Pantry and UNC Center for Excellence in Community Mental Health (The Farm at Penny Lane, where CORA started a food pantry satellite). Chatham County is designated as a rural area on the Rural Health Information RHI Hub, a Health Professional Shortage Area in Primary Care, Dental and Mental Health, and a medically underserved area (MUA), and CORA has been a trusted non-profit community organization for over 35 years, serving Chatham County residents facing food insecurity. Its clients are 40% Hispanic, 30% Black/African American, and 30% White, with half of their clients either over the age of 65 or aged 18 years and younger. Students will offer free health screenings, address social determinants of health (SDOH), health education, and self-management support (SMS), help uninsured clients navigate the complex healthcare system, and work with interprofessional disciplines.

Clinical site priorities
  • Key
  • Clinical site priorities

Our Piedmont AHEC/NC AHEC system allocation partnerships are in continuous development. Please revisit this page for future updates on programming that supports healthcare education and research to enhance our mission to recruit, train, and retain an improved healthcare workforce.

Interprofessional student learning by developing clinical learning experiences for nursing students with students from one or more other healthcare disciplines
Experiences that emphasize the role of nursing in addressing health equity in the community
Telehealth or virtual healthcare experiences
Areas of special clinical need including, but not limited to, behavioral health, primary care, and public health
At-risk populations in rural and underserved communities