UNC TEACCH Autism Program

The TEACCH Autism Program provides opportunities for professionals working with individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) to enhance their knowledge and skills through a quality continuing education learning environment on an Internet-based, interactive platform. The TEACCH Autism Program has developed this course with support from Piedmont Area Health Education Center.

TEACCH Program
UNC TEACCH Autism Program

TEACCH is a University-based system of community regional centers that offers core services and unique demonstration programs meeting the clinical, training, and research needs of individuals with ASD, their families, and professionals across North Carolina. The TEACCH Autism Program provides clinical services such as diagnostic evaluations, parent training, parent support groups, social play, and recreation groups, individual counseling for higher-functioning clients, and supported employment. In addition, TEACCH conducts training nationally and internationally and provides consultation for teachers, residential care providers, and other professionals from various disciplines. Research activities include psychological, educational, and biomedical studies.

The Intervention Approach

TEACCH developed the intervention approach called Structured TEACCHing, which is based on understanding the learning characteristics of individuals with autism and using visual supports to promote meaning and independence. TEACCH services are supported by empirical research, enriched by extensive clinical expertise, and noted for the flexible and individualized support of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder and their families.

View Structured TEACCHING: Individualized Schedules